Chin Up and Write On


Every now and then, I have to remind myself why exactly I’m doing this writing thing. There are times when I look at my screen, look at sales, look around myself at other writers who are so much better, and think: “Who the heck am I kidding?”
I gotta keep my chin up. After all, I didn’t start writing for the marketing or the sales. I definitely didn’t start to be brilliant. I’m not on that kind of mission at all with my work. I started to be honest – to tell a story and say something meaningful. I started because my God is a god of stories. And, significantly, I started because I had to write myself out of a particular struggle I was going through. Being honest, escaping my nightmare, was only possible by penning a complete fantasy – and yet, one that didn’t take place in an idealistic world. Now that I’ve done that, whenever I have long weeks of anger and just despair, I go back to it and write again, because I honestly can’t think of anything so healthy as that. It’s a way of reminding myself what’s important in life – a positive way of releasing negative energy.

Another thing I’ve been doing recently is encouraging myself by thinking back to where I started and when I started. By looking back at this story (my own personal writing tale), I begin to understand how far I’ve come. When I get down, I just remember: I’ve been here before. And just like before, I’ll keep writing through it, keep penning my way to a new sunrise, keep talking with my God through the power of story, an avenue He Himself has given me.